Family Forestry

Brewer, Maine


Family Forestry is dedicated to helping landowners in Central Maine make good decisions with good information about forestry and forest operations.


Timber Inventory

Tree Growth Plans

Careful Timber Harvesting


are the core business of Family Forestry.

Let's walk,...... Let's talk....Let's learn something together.

           Thinned Timber Stands

             Wildlife Food Plots



Ken Lamond

Licensed Maine Forester




 or e-mail:



Timber Inventory


Tree Growth Plans


Timber Harvesting

Cut to Length Harvesting Equipment

Family Forestry will match the right harvesting system to meet your needs. We can work with our sensitive site CTL system or other timber harvesting systems depending on site conditions and harvest objectives.


Family Forestry can do a Timber Inventory on your property. A Timber Inventory is an estimate of the timber volume on your woodlot. It informs the landowner on the number of trees/acre, diameter distribution, species composition and volume/acre by species and product class.


Family Forestry can also provide: Timber Market Analysis, Aerial Photo Maps, Harvest Planning, Layout, and Administration, Timber Harvesting, Timber Marketing, Zoning and Regulation Information, Access Roads and Landings, Recreational Trails, Timber Bridges, Wildlife Habitat and more.


Family Forestry can write a Tree Growth Management and Harvest Plan for your woodlot. The Maine Tree Growth Tax Program is a current use tax program that helps woodlot owners lower their real estate taxes. It helps families keep their woodlots by reducing the burden of real estate taxes. Landowners are required to follow a Tree Growth Plan written by a Licenced Maine Forester. The Tree Growth Plan will describe the condition of your woodlot and offer a plan to improve growth, utility, and value through the use of careful Timber Harvesting.


Family Forestry is experienced in a wide range of issues related to helping you manage your property and meet your objectives. 

Create special places of your own

                 Recreation Trails 

                 Access Roads

                 Timber Bridges